Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring Break/ Field

My final field placement is going well and it is with great hopes that I plan to transition into a full-time position upon graduation. Being a voice for children who cannot protect themselves, Assisting parents to be their best, and Helping the community understand that children are our future; thus child abuse is not an option. These are just a few of the important things that I have done over the course of my final semester. I spent 40-hours last week at my field placement and Spring Break is coming to a close as I write this message. My work at the agency where I have been placed has been extremely meaningful and the learning has been tremendous. Despite the frustration and occasional stress, I am thankful to have had as many field placement experiences as I have had. Thanks to Wake County Human Services, Guildford County Department of Social Services, and Durham County Department of Social Services I am confident that my experiences with each and the classroom learning that I have acquired have prepared me to be the great social worker that I will be declared to be on May 8, 2010!!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Spring Break is Almost Here!

With my final semester underway, it is good to know that Spring Break is almost here. I will not be on an exotic beach or in the Cayman Islands for Spring Break this year (maybe next year :) ), but I will be making a difference in the lives of children and families in Durham, N.C. My final internship is with Durham County Department of Social Services and thus far it has been a joy! Please stay posted for some of my recent experiences in the coming weeks....

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Final Semester Soon To Arrive

HEEYYYY!!! Hope you have had as great a Christmas season as I. I am super excited with the approaching New Year and my FINAL semester of grad school. The journey has been a great, rich learning experience, but I am ready to graduate with my TWO degrees and conquer the world!! As I will soon be closing this chapter of life, feel free to hit me up via email at with any questions that you may have about the MSW program at the greatest school in the nation ("UNC-Chapel Hill").

Be on the lookout for my final postings in 2010.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Here's a shout-out to all the faculty who have engaged in the Fall 2009 Students Achieving Graduate Education (S.A.G.E) activities. THANKS for all that you do!!

During the three years that I have been at UNC, it has been a pleasure to be involved in S.A.G.E. S.A.G.E. exist thanks to the brilliance of two School of Social Work faculty ( Dr. Vanessa Hodges and Dr. Iris Carlton-LaNey). For curious minds who want to know, S.A.G.E is a program or perhaps you would say a series of planned activities focused on students of color at UNC's School of Social Work. S.A.G.E. exist as a forum for students of color to address the challenges of being a minority at a majority insitution. For me, S.A.G.E. has offered a bonding experience with colleagues and faculty. It has strengthened my committment to social justice and welfare and indirectly provided me with my 2009-2010 Research Assistantship.

Some of S.A.G.E.'s yearly activities include: pre-orientation, potlucks, discussion forums, community outings, etc.

Stay tuned for future S.A.G.E. happenings at UNC's School of Social Work....

Friday, September 25, 2009

Last Year Underway!

What can I say? Time is certainly passing by. Can't believe that two full years ago I began this journey and MY how I've grown. My last year of graduate school is officially underway. In May of 2010 I will proudly announce that I am a graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill with a Master of Social Work and a Master of Public Administration. The journey has not been easy but, with faculty support, good peers, a good educational infrastructure (Go HEELS!), and a life purpose I have endured. As I end this process to begin something great, I will attempt to post on a more frequent basis. It will be important for many of you to see how the final year of a dual degree graduate student unfolds.

For starters, last weekend was a blast here at UNC. I attended the UNC vs. ECU (my alma mater) football game and it was wonderful. Of course I was cheering for the Pirates, but what can I say, UNC came hard! This weekend I'll be attending my first ever graduate weekend course. Will update you soon! Until next time, be easy, but work hard.....

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Professional Work Experience

The summer is almost over and classes will be resuming soon. As a dual degree student, my summer has been spent completing a professional work experience (internship) with the Director of Guildford County Department of Social Services. This experience has been extremely rewarding and educational on multiple levels. It's not often that you get the opportunity to work directly with a public administrator who oversees 600+ employees. Additionally, I have begun the process of formulating my research topic for my final year Capstone Paper (a MPA requirement; similar to that of a thesis). My plan is to address "How are N.C. counties reducing the number of children in foster care". If anyone has any ideas thoughts or feedback you'd like to put out there about foster care, feel free to hit me up. Until next time, be easy and strive to create the change that you desire to see in the world.....that's definitely my plan!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Spring Break is Almost Here!

With less than a week away from Spring Break, I'm beginning to sense relief from fellow classmates who will be graduating in May. Unfortunately, as a dual degree candidate I am not afforded that luxury at this time. Nevertheless, I will look forward to Spring Break, as well as upcoming events such as "Social Work" Lobby Day, the N.C. Child Welfare Education Collaborative Conference, Social Work and Law Day, and my plans to present at the 2009 National Association of Black Social Worker's Conference. In times such as these, I have to remind myself that now is not the time to get restless, instead I must move forward with my dreams knowing that the dreams of others will be brighten as a result of such.

To see how my dream as a dual degree candidate has and is coming to past check out